AI Content Creation and Marketing — The Future Is Now

10 min readMar 26, 2021


Content creation, image curation, video production, data visualisation… these were all once human-only activities. But what if we told you that there is now a world full of AI and algorithms that can do all these things and more?

In the 21st century, efficiency is the name of the game. Which is why more and more businesses are now discovering the power of artificial intelligence content tools.

In fact, according to a NewVantage survey, 77.8% of businesses surveyed have adopted AI capabilities in their business processes, compared to 65.8% last year.

But to what extent can AI replicate human-to-human interaction, and create content on par with a human? Can we really leave content creation and marketing in the hands of a bot? And do we want to? Should we be looking at AI as a process of soft automation that saves us all time and effort while not replacing the human touch, and more importantly, human judgement about what we say and when?

To answer these questions, let’s look at what kinds of AI content tools brands can use, and how well they fare.

Content creation tools

If you’re looking for ways to make content creation more efficient and streamlined, then consider using these AI content tools in your content marketing.

Copysmith: The AI Copywriter

Does your copywriter need help with content creation and content ideation? If you need help coming up with marketing copy, then consider using Copysmith.

Copysmith is powered by the GPT-3, a language generator tool created by OpenAI. This AI is able to gather information from all over the Internet and uses it to generate content for blogs, social posts and even Youtube video descriptions

Other than content and copy generation, Copysmith offers a slew of other features. For instance, they offer custom templates such as:

  • Content enhancer templates, which can be used to elevate your content
  • Unique value proposition templates, which can identify and articulate any points of difference in your content against your competitors

The mind-blowing part? All of its content are amazingly human-like, thanks to the power of the GPT-3. Here’s an example of a blog generated by Copysmith for a pet supplies e-commerce website.

Articoolo: Content creation and repurposing

Creating new and original content can be difficult — and almost nigh impossible — in this content-saturated world. Israeli startup Articoolo offers a solution: an AI tool that can quickly generate unique articles on a single given topic.

Similar to GPT-3, Articoolo’s algorithm searches the Internet for base information, important keywords and related content and sentiment. It then extracts all this information and reconstructs them to create a new and unique piece.

Articoolo’s CEO and co-founder Doron Tal also boasts the AI’s ability to constantly create new and unique articles based on a single topic, making content repurposing easy. “Even if you ask for the same topic 100 times. You will get 100 different articles,” he says.

AxiosHQ: Automated brevity

Media outlet Axios takes its approach to being brief and to-the-point to corporate writing, and let’s face it most corporates could use a good dose of this.

It’s a simple automated writing tool that helps organisations communicate using their signature Smart Brevity writing style — basically it cuts out the waffle and complexity of most corporate emails.

What’s more, they even have a cloud-based AI that can make suggestions on your copy to further refine it. This ensures that even the busiest of readers can stay engaged with the updates shared in their inbox.

StoryBrain: Automated image optimisation

In this hectic day and age, a smooth and efficient user experience is key. Busy clients and customers may be put off by dense and wordy webpages.

With tools like Storybrain, you can enhance user experience with their AI image technology solutions.

A Singapore-based company founded in 2019, Storybrain has launched their flagship app which is able to create image summaries of webpages. This allows users to understand the webpage’s key features in a single glance.

Take a look at the before and after comparison that they’ve provided on their site to demonstrate the AI’s capabilities.

As of now, they’ve already been signed by Sephora SEA, and are leveraging other major clients in their pipeline to adopt their tool.

GliaStudio: Short Video Production

GliaStudio, an AI platform created by Taiwanese startup GliaCloud, uses text-to-video technology to create video summaries of text articles, data files or even social media posts.

Using media assets such as as images and video clips from its own library of resource, GliaStudio’s AI can generate a video complete with an automatic voice over generator.

Of course, an automatically generated video summary will simply not be as sophisticated as an organically produced one. GliaStudio’s videos are simple, short and lack any fancy transitions or effects. Automated Data Visualisation

GliaStudio isn’t the only video automation platform out there. Algo, a data-visualisation practice developed by illo, also uses video automation technology to create data-driven videos.

At Algo, human and AI work together. The humans put together personalised templates and video styles for your campaign, while the AI takes charge of data visualisation using real-time data over the course of your campaign. The AI then automatically updates the next video instalment with a new set of data.

NeuraLoom: Automated narration and face digitalisation

Want to put a face to your video, but you don’t have the video equipment necessary to record high-quality talking heads? Worry not, because with NeuraLoom, you can render a visual avatar or digitalise your face from a photo.

The AI even offers text-to-speech capabilities, allowing you enhance your videos with narration without having to spend money on fancy audio recording equipment.

Curious? Take a look at this pitch-deck published by NeuraLoom themselves to see how their products look.

Descript: Text-based video and audio editor

An AI-driven video and audio editing tool, Descript offers automatic audio to text transcription and even allows you to edit the footage via text. This can drastically cut down on the amount of time needed to edit a talking head video.

Recently, Descript added Overdub, their latest text-to-speech feature. The program allows you to create a digital voice that sounds just like you, all from a small audio sample. If you’ve noticed some errors in your footage, you can use this feature to correct your recordings.

For all its perks, however, Descript’s audio detection software isn’t perfect. Accents or bad audio quality can compromise the accuracy of the transcription, which means that humans will still have to go through the transcripts for quality control. That said, it’s pretty good, and they offer a human-assisted service to proof and correct the transcript copy.

Simon Says Assemble: Text-based video editor

Similar to Descript, Simon Says is primarily an AI tool that can automatically generate transcripts from uploaded audio or video files. But just last year, the developers have added a new feature: Simon Says Assemble.

This new feature allows users to extract soundbites by selecting the relevant text transcripts and reordering them however you like simply by dragging and dropping.

Simon Says Assemble isn’t for finished-product video editing. Rather, it’s a great way to kick-off the post-production process and a quick and easy way for editors (or non-editors) to put together a rough video story cut for client approval.

Content marketing tools

Aside from aiding you in content creation, there are many AI tools out there that can help get your content noticed. These tools are incredibly useful when it comes to boosting the reach of your content marketing.


These days, personalisation is key. Customers want to be able to effortlessly access your content or your products, and they want to feel heard by brands. In fact, 83% of consumers are willing to share their data just for a cheaper and easier experience.

This is where AI platforms like Personyze come in handy. Using multiple AI algorithms, Personyze collects important customer data and uses them to create a personalised customer experience.

For instance, with Personyze, you can start off the customer journey right with a personalised email marketing campaign. The program uses AI-generated product or content recommendations and customer segmentation to ensure that the emails are targeted and customised to each recipient.

But that’s not all. Personyze has several other features, including personalised and dynamic landing pages, targeted banners and pop-ups, among many others.

Atomic AI

Finding the writing style that best connects with your audience can be a long and tiring process of trial and error. But with AI, you can skip some steps and quickly find the optimal writing style for your brand.

Atomic AI, a platform launched by Atomic Reach, can help you do just that. The program can be integrated with your Hubspot, WordPress or Google Analytics, or you can simply use their website scraper.

The program uses Atomic Profiles, a segmentation engine that analyses whether your content and writing style are suitable for your target audience. The engine goes through all your published content, scores them, and indicates those that need to be further optimised.

Furthermore, Atomic AI has a feature, Atomic Engagement, that gives you tips on how to further optimise your content. The AI recommends words and edits that can help better increase engagement within your target industry.


Similar to Atomic AI, Buzzsumo is another platform that helps you improve the reach of your content marketing.

With its ability to analyse keywords, themes and domains based on social share volume, Buzzsumo’s AI helps you discover new potential outreach opportunities. This gives you insights into any trending topics, keywords or content formats on various social platforms.

Buzzsumo can also help you stay competitive by tracking and analysing your competitor’s activity. From what kind of content they’re creating to their best and worst performing content, you’ll be able to learn from their successes and failures and apply this knowledge to your own content.

Can AI really replace humans?

If AI can create content and market it, what’s left for humans to do? Well, it turns out that, despite all of AI’s capabilities, robots can never completely replace humans.

Quality control

For all its perks, AI occasionally lacks the ability to understand subtle contextual nuances. AIs like GPT-3 gather their information from online sources, but ultimately, not everything can be found online.

Additionally, a common theme among the AI content creation tools we’ve talked about above is their inability to completely replicate human-created content. They still struggle with grammar and with longer pieces of content.

AI also continues to struggle with languages other than English. Take a look at this LinkedIn post that highlights how even Google Translate struggles to recognise nuance in the Filipino language.

For now, as powerful as AI programs are, they’re still unable to match up with the quality that humans can produce.

Lack of human touch

As much as AI can help personalise and target your content marketing, it is incapable of replicating human behaviour and giving your content the human touch.

84% of customers say that being treated like a person and not a number is very important to gaining their business, which means that they’re often seeking empathy in their engagement with business. However, this is something that AI cannot provide.

Human and AI, hand in hand

We’ve not yet arrived at a dystopia where AI can completely take over our jobs — but very quickly, AI tools are creating a soft-automation revolution in content creation and can save many hours spent on the hum drum aspects of content creation.

We might not be AI, but we can definitely help — let us add the human touch to your content. Contact our CEO, Simon Kearney at to learn more.

This post was originally published at

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